Terms and Conditions


Payment is required in full at the time of booking, with the exception of flexible payment options agreed with me prior to booking. In cases where flexible payment options may apply, the full payment must have been taken prior to starting the course.

Please contact me for more advice on my courses and payment options available.

 Please note I reserve the right to amend course prices or run promotions at any time, without prior notice. Once a booking is made, the price paid is final and no price difference can be refunded in the event of a later course price reduction.

All salon based training must be taken within 6 months of the date of booking and online courses must be completed within a maximum of 12 months from date of booking.


All course fees are strictly non-refundable and non-transferable as access to course material is granted as soon as payment is made.

I am unable to offer refunds where training is cancelled or postponed outside of my control. An alternative training date will be offered.  Salon course bookings postponed previously remain non-refundable but will be valid to rebook for a scheduled training date convenient to the student, within 6 months from the date of the original course date. It is the student’s responsibility to get in touch to reschedule any such postponed training. I am not responsible for any loss of income or accommodation/travelling costs students may incur due to the cancellation of courses.

Additional Terms & Conditions Relating to Course Packages & Promotional Offers

  • Discount will be on stated packages only. Any saving stated refers to the saving made against the full, standard individual course fees for the courses included within that package or the usual course package price itself. Discounted packages cannot have any further discount applied.
  • Courses within the Packages must be attended by the same person.
  • Courses within the Packages cannot be changed or substituted with any other courses, only the specified courses will be provided.
  • I reserve the right to amend course prices or run promotions at any time, without prior notice. I cannot retrospectively apply discounts to booked courses.
  • All courses booked as part of the Package deals are non-refundable and non-transferable under any circumstances. Any reschedules of dates will be at my discretion and subject to the rescheduling fee of £50 per training date, where deemed possible.
  • Dates for salon courses must be selected at time of booking. Training dates are subject to availability. All training booked as part of a package must be taken within 6 months of date of booking the package.

Cancellation or Transfer of Training Dates / Courses

Rescheduling Requests & Fees

In the event that you are unable to attend a booked and confirmed training date, I may be able to offer a reschedule of the training (subject to availability and at my discretion), provided you contact us no later than 72 hours prior to the training course date by email. Where it is possible to offer a reschedule of training, this will be subject to a rescheduling fee of £50 per day. I operate a ‘fair use’ policy for rescheduling and all courses can only be rescheduled on one occasion. I will respond to confirm whether a reschedule is possible and where it is not possible and the student chooses not to attend their training, you may forfeit your course fee.

Where a student is a ‘no show’, failing to attend for their booked training date without a minimum of 3 day’s notice by email, you will automatically forfeit your course fee and I will be under no obligation to provide any further training or any refund.

Courses booked as part of discounted ‘last minute offers’ will be strictly non-refundable and non-transferable. These are discounted specifically for attendance on the booked course/date/venue by their very nature and so this price does not transfer to other courses. If you need to reschedule for a genuine reason (medical or compassionate), I may at my discretion, reschedule, but a rescheduling fee may apply. 

In the event that I should have to cancel your course for reasons outside of my control; I will endeavour to give students at least 24 hours’ notice of any cancellation by telephone and/or email. I am not responsible for any loss of income or accommodation/travelling costs students may incur due to the cancellation of courses. All courses required to be cancelled/postponed  will be rescheduled for a further course date within 6 months of the original booked course date. Such courses remain non-refundable.

Online Courses

All online courses are strictly non-refundable as course information will be available once payment is made. Please ensure online courses meet your training needs, you have a suitable device connected to the internet through which to access the course and are able to source the products/tools/models you require to complete the necessary requirements to pass the course.  Maximum duration for completing online courses is 12 months from date of booking.

Named Student

Booked training is non-transferable to an alternative student. Please ensure the booking is made giving the correct name of the person completing the course at the time of making payment. 

Minimum Student Age

I accept students aged 18 years or over, but for a few courses age 16 may be accepted.  With regret due to insurance reasons, we are unable to accept students aged under 16 years for courses.  Please note most insurers will only provide public liability insurance for working with the general public to those aged 18 or over, although some selected companies will accept those aged 16 or over.


Certificates are issued by email, generally within 2 working days of completing your training course. Certificates are provided as a digital certificate to meet the needs of insurance providers & reduce our carbon footprint. Students are responsible for ensuring they contact me by email within 30 days of completing your training course, should you fail to receive your certificate for any reason or should there be any error in the certificate received. Beyond this time, the fees for replacement certificates may apply. If you require your certificate to be reissued in a new name, I would require evidence for the reason for change of name plus the standard replacement certificate fees.

Online courses require completion of theory tests and, for some courses, practical assessments or case studies. Theory tests are completed online and a pass mark of 70% or above is required. Assessments can be retaken online for free and as many times as needed until you pass. A retake fee may apply for practical retakes.

All courses are accredited by the IGCT.

Practical Sessions

Photography / recording of training (both audio or video) is strictly prohibited while attending practical training. This is to protect the privacy of other students and models, meet Data Protection requirements and avoid disruption to training. Tutors may occasionally take photos of student work during training with express permission, for marketing/promotional purposes. 

For those with additional learning or mobility needs, I can usually meet requirements, such as training videos to support you, extension of your learning beyond your training day(s). This is available on request, although a fee may apply.

Students will need to bring along their own cold food for lunch and are recommended to remain at the centre, rather than go off-premises during agreed breaks to ensure you are available promptly for when training resumes. I am able to provide hot drinks, and toilet, handwashing and basic kitchen facilities are available. 

Medical Conditions

Please make me aware of any health conditions and/or medications currently taken that may affect your practical training. All students are required to disclose any medical conditions at the time of booking, which will be dealt in the strictest of confidence. Some conditions may impede ability to participate fully within a course. An important part of training is to deliver and receive treatments. Adjustments will be made to accommodate medical conditions where possible and practical. A medical certificate may be required in line with our insurance obligations. Where students are unable to receive treatments for medical reasons, a female model may be requested to be provided by the student for each training day.

Due to health & safety / insurance obligations, pregnant students may be unable to partake in practical training days or to receive treatments. This applies to all students within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy or anyone considered high risk in pregnancy. Where possible to attend, you may be required to bring a female model to your training to practice upon, please call us before booking so we can confirm course suitability for you. 

Failure to disclose known medical conditions at the time of booking or to provide a female model where requested, which later prevent participation in a particular course may result in forfeit of course fees.

Special Training Needs / Requirements

It is very important you make me aware of any special needs you may have in order to make your practical training or assessment days run smoothly.  Where possible I seek to include students with special requirements within my course delivery.  However for some students this may not be possible. Many students with special training needs prefer and gain the most benefit from tailored training on a one to one basis. Feasibility depends upon the course you are wishing to study; however where possible adjustments or special arrangements will be considered. Please note an additional cost may apply for training on a one to one basis.

Facial Massage Courses

Please ensure you have removed any eyelash extensions before attending these courses. You will be required to remove any make-up as part of giving/receiving treatments on these training courses. You must ensure you are able to receive treatments and have notified us of any medical conditions / medications which may prevent you receiving treatments. Those who have undergone cosmetic procedures, dermal fillers, botox or semi-permanent make-up / facial tattooing or micro-blading within the last 12 weeks will be unable to participate within these courses. Failure to disclose these treatments prior to booking your course may result in loss of course fees.


Please note if you wish to obtain cover with a specific insurer, you must check with the insurer prior to booking your course that they will accept my Diploma. Most insurers will however accept IGCT qualifications.CPD courses are often covered by insurance companies but not specifically listed on the policy unless it involves a specific form of massage. Insurers work to their own discretion over preferred training providers and this is beyond my control. If you hold an existing policy, you are responsible to ensure the insurance provider will extend your cover to include the new treatment(s) and for covering any cost to make changes. I cannot accept responsibility for issues resulting with insurance companies where students fail to check this prior to booking. 


I am keen to ensure all students gain the most from their training experience. In the first instance, please raise any difficulties or concerns with me on the training day(s) as most issues can quickly be rectified at the time. However, in the unlikely event your training course with me does not meet your expectations and you feel unable to raise this on the training day, please email sam@medicalmassagelady.com with the details of your feedback or complaint. This email must be received in writing within 5 days of your training course. I take all feedback and complaints very seriously and this will be investigated as required. You will receive a response in writing within 5 working days.

Code of Conduct:

To ensure all learners are given the best opportunity to learn, I would ask the following code of conduct is adhered to at all times:-

  • Punctuality is essential with all learners to arrive 15 minutes before the start time. Allow adequate time to travel to the salon. Lateness is very disruptive for other students and may mean you miss fundamental aspects of the training. You will be refused entry if you arrive more than 20 minutes past the start time. There is a transfer fee of £25 per training date to reschedule your training if you arrive late. Please do not break from the training unless instructed to do so by the tutor. A lunch break is provided along with short refreshment breaks throughout the day, timed as is appropriate for the course. Taking excessive or unauthorised breaks may mean you miss vital training that impedes your success on the course. Students are advised to remain in the centre during agreed breaks (please bring cold food). Should you leave the centre and return late from break(s), you may be refused entry and be unable to complete your course.
  • Attendance of training days is compulsory to receiving your certificate. Failure to attend scheduled training can result in removal from your programme. Genuine reasons will be subject to my discretion and handled under our above policy on rescheduling of training. This may be subject to rescheduling fees.
  • Suitable clothing should be worn to training / assessment dates. Nails should be short, hair tied back. Eyelash and Nail extensions should be removed (where appropriate to the training course being attended). For health and safety, all jewellery should be removed. Only exceptions are a plain wedding band and one small pair of stud earrings.
  • All learners are expected to fully participate, including giving and receiving treatments. Any exceptions (e.g. medical reasons) to this must be agreed at the time of booking and a suitable female model may be required to be provided by the student in order to participate.
  •  Please make the tutor aware of any medical conditions or learning difficulties which may impact your learning (these should previously have been discussed at the time of booking to ensure suitability for the training). This can be discussed with the tutor upon arrival at the centre, in confidence. This will allow the tutor to best support you throughout the training day and make any adjustments possible to assist you to gain the most from your training.
  • I can accept no responsibility for any loss, damage or theft of personal property; however rare. Therefore I encourage students to leave all unnecessary valuables at home, remain vigilant to their belongings during training and take all property with them when leaving the centre. Any property left behind will be held for 7 days, following which it will be disposed as appropriate. Students are responsible for collection of lost items from site, by appointment. I cannot post or deliver any lost property.
  • Products / tools provided at the salon remain the property of The Medical Massage Lady and should not be taken from the salon at any time. Such will be treated as theft and reported to the authorities. Please work with the tools / products and within the facilities provided taking care to avoid causing deliberate damage or loss. Students may be held responsible for the cost of such loss / damage. Please wait until items are provided to you and no time should students access any staff only store cupboards or storage areas without express permission of the tutor and/or without supervision. For reasons of health, safety and hygiene; please use products / tools / equipment only as directed and when prompted by the tutor. If asked to ‘down tools’, please ensure you comply with any instruction by ceasing immediately.
  • Use of mobile phones is prohibited during training and should be turned off outside of agreed breaks.
  • No use of e-cigarettes/vaporisers, smoking or chewing of gum within the salon.
  • Students must not consume or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs at any time during attendance of the training or assessment day(s). You will be asked to leave the salon where I have reason to suspect such influence, and the police may be contacted if appropriate.
  • The salon operates a mixed sex basis for training days and you must be prepared to give and receive treatments from students of the opposite sex. If there are any reasons of belief, faith or religion which prohibit this, please advise before booking. 
  • Be courteous and respectful to tutors and other learners. No use of foul language. Abuse of any kind including racism will not be tolerated. Please avoid discussion of any sensitive or unrelated topics during the training which may distract other students or at any time, which may cause offence to others. While I operate a welcoming, friendly atmosphere on training days, student conduct should reflect that which would be expected by a beauty professional working within a salon environment since you are undertaking a professional skills course. Please ensure you work cooperatively and respectfully with all and take feedback / guidance seriously to allow you to acquire and demonstrate the required level of competence upon the training course(s). I appreciate learning new skills can sometimes be challenging but outbursts or disruptive behaviour (which may affect other students) will not be tolerated. I will support you as best possible so please work with meto assist you, trusting in my professional knowledge and experience.
  • Verbal, physical or written abuse will not be tolerated at any time and will result an immediate verbal warning. Should the conduct continue, you will be asked to leave the salon immediately. You will not receive your diploma and will forfeit all course fees paid.
  • Should an issue arise on your training day in relating to other learners on the course or if you are experiencing difficulties with the course, please immediately notify me so action can be taken or advice given to support you as required as it is sometimes difficult to rectify issues later and this will allow you to gain the most from your training day experience. Any issues will be handled in the strictest confidence but will not be permitted as grounds for any refund of course fees or for additional training, where this is not raised on the training day to enable remedy.
  • Learner feedback forms are to be completed after each course. This allows me to consider possible improvements to the course for future students..
  • Students must not take any photographs or make any recordings (audio or video) of any kind while in attendance of training and/or when within the training centre premises. This is to meet Data Protection legislation, to protect the privacy of students and models, and avoid disruption to training. Photos may occasionally be taken by myself with the express permission of students, for the purposes of marketing/promotion.

About Me

The Medical Massage Lady

 Inside Vanity Fair, 65/67 St Johns Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN4 9TT

07736 104738
